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Welcome To Feathered Knechtions

Specializing in teaching "city limit self sufficiency" 

Feathered Knechtions Story


Our Journey to Self-Sufficiency

Meet Kelli Knecht, the founder of Feathered Knechtions. What started with 6 chickens in the city during the pandemic has now grown to include coturnix quail, Muscovy ducks and honeybees.

Embracing self-sufficiency in a small city space, we are passionate about sharing our 'city limit self-sufficiency' journey with others. We offer in person classes through Utah Valley University and the Utah Meat Collective as well as share lots of information on our YouTube channel, blog and other social media accounts. You can find out more about us and our journey on our blog.

Did you know Feathered Knechtions makes Pet Treats??? 

For a healthy alternative to commercial, processed pet treats with tons of fillers and preservatives try our all-natural quail jerky for pets! Made from whole ground quail and nothing else! Which means your pet can enjoy the health benefits without all the 'extras'. 

Did you know we have a YouTube?

Aren't local but would like to learn more about coturnix quail and city limit self-sufficiency? Check us out over on our YouTube channel!



We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch, and we’ll reply promptly. Or if you're local and need ANYTHING quail shoot me a text and we'll be happy to help!

Utah County, Utah


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